The end of third-party cookies... maybe not

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The end of Cookies is here!!!! was here...

the end of thirdparty cookies

Since 2019, the Alphabet (GOOGL.O), opens new tab unit has been working on the Privacy Sandbox initiative aimed at enhancing online privacy while supporting digital businesses, with a key goal being the phase-out of third-party cookies.

Privacy Sandbox initiative by Google aims to enhance online privacy while maintaining an ad-supported internet that benefits publishers, businesses, and users alike. Over the past few years, feedback from various stakeholders, including regulators, publishers, web developers, civil society, and the advertising industry, has shaped the development of this initiative.

Early tests by ad tech companies, including Google, show promising results for the Privacy Sandbox APIs, suggesting that they can support a competitive and thriving marketplace. However, the transition to these new technologies requires significant efforts from all participants in the online advertising ecosystem.

In response to this challenge, Google is proposing an updated approach that emphasizes user choice. Instead of eliminating third-party cookies, Chrome will introduce a new feature allowing users to make informed choices about their web browsing privacy settings, which they can adjust at any time. This proposal is currently being discussed with regulators and industry partners.

Moving forward, Google will continue to offer Privacy Sandbox APIs and invest in their development to enhance both privacy and functionality. Additionally, new privacy controls, including IP Protection in Chrome's Incognito mode, will be introduced.

Google expresses gratitude to all who have contributed to the development and adoption of the Privacy Sandbox over the past four years. As the initiative progresses, Google will maintain close collaboration with global regulators and the broader ecosystem to achieve a more private web.

See Google announcement here

Pedro Duarte Almeida
